Where can we see insects?
Why do butterflies like flowers?
How far does a butterfly fly?
Why do moths fly around lights?
How do bagworms become moths?
Why are a dragonfly's eyes so big?
Why does a dragonfly dip its tail into the water?
Why do scarab beetles have horns?
Why do scarab beetles dies quickly?
Why do some beetles have long feelers?
Why do some beetles make a crying sound?
Why do stag beetles have pincers?
Why do ladybugs spit yellow liquid when they are caught?
Why do ants touch each other with their feelers?
What is an ant nest like?
How do wasps make their nests?
Did you know that honeybees talk to one another?
Why do people kill termites?
What do praying mantises eat?
Did you know that crickets have ears?
How do grasshoppers jump?
Why do mole crickets have big legs?
Why can water striders walk on the water?
What are these strange things?
Why do only female mosquitoes bite?
Why do mosquito bits itch?
Why does everyone hate cockroaches?
How can flies stand upside-down on the ceiling?
Why do spiders spin webs?
Why do snails carry their houses on their backs?
Why do snails and slugs leave a shiny trail?