Barry Fitzgerald
Going my way (127 min.): When old and fading St. Dominic's Church gets a new priest (Crosby), things are bound to change. For starters, young Father O'Malley meets the crusty old Father Fitzgibbon (Barry Fitzgerald), who doesn't think much of him or his ideas. The two have their differences but O'Malley is able to inspire some neighborhood roughnecks to open their hearts and minds in a way the old priest simply could not do.
Holiday Inn (101 min.):...
Errol Flynn signature collection volume 2
Errol Flynn and David Niven star as roustabout British flyboys who come face-to-face with the harsh realities of war. Basil Rathbone is outstanding as the Squadron Commander.
An Irish horse trainer and his niece come to Kentucky after her brother's death in a riding accident. While the trainer takes a liking to a yearling named Seabiscuit and tries to convince the owner that the ungainly little horse can become a champion, his niece begins a romance with a jockey but is haunted by memories of her brother's accident.
8) Going my way
Father O'Malley is a young priest, new to an established but financially flailing parish. When his philosophies on how to relieve the parish's financial troubles come into conflict with those of crumudgeonly Father Fitzgibbon, the result is a timeless story of patience, compromise and understanding.